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Year 7 Transition

Shared responsibility, accountability and collaboration

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It is never too early to think about your child’s next step in education. If your child is in year 4 or 5 you should be familiarising yourself with what is on offer in your area. The state government has zoned all government schools but sometimes it is possible to attend a school out of your zone. The criteria that government schools use is:

  1. If you are in their zone your child will automatically have a place.
  2. If your child has a sibling then you could be offered a place.
  3. If there are still places available they measure how close you are to the zone.

Find your school zone here:

Below is a link to the guide for government schools. Please take a look and go along to the information evenings that are on offer every year. Schools are now offering them virtually! Or book an appointment with your school for a tour or a chat.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask.

Mitchell Leyton 6-7 Transition coordinator

Please see below Factsheets abour enrolling in Year 7

Factsheet (English)

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Factsheet (Vietnamese)

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Factsheet (Arabic)

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