Sunshine North
Primary School
We extend a warm welcome to your family and friends and hope you will form a close and rewarding relationship with our school.
Sunshine North Primary School actively promotes a strong sense of community partnership through cooperation and collaboration between staff, students and parents
we Shine
Our school is a P-6 school of 310 students. Established in 1956, it is located 16 kilometers west of Melbourne in North Sunshine and serves a diverse socio-economic and cultural community.
The student population reflects the diversity of the surrounding neighborhood with over 20 nationalities represented by 27 different languages and 241 of our students coming from families with a non-English speaking background.
All the Latest
All updates and important information for parents and guardians will be available via school stream.

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Think about joing our school? Click here to learn about enrolling your child at Sunshine North

All student absences are required to be reported.Please click here to report an absence.

Explore our
Shared responsibility, accountability and collaboration. Learn about our students and their journey to success

Acknowledgement of Country
We thank the First Nation’s People for allowing us to learn, grow, collaborate and shine.’